Unclear causes of hair loss.

           The daily rate of hair loss for a woman is one hundred. But how to calculate and understand that your fallout is normal, there already is a problem. You can conduct a simple experiment: throughout the day before combing, stroke your hand along the entire length of the hair. If the hands remain stranded more than 15 hairs – it’s time to take action. Less – everything is normal.

In medicine, there are two main causes of hair loss: seasonality (autumn – spring avitaminosis) and postpartum hormonal failure (3-5 months after the birth of the child). The good news is that the density of hair is restored with time. But aside from these official reasons, there are a few more that reduce the thickness and amount of hair. These include: stress, permanent painting or curling, the use of plaques and hot hair dryers, irons, etc.

But there are several reasons for the reduction of hair, which you probably did not think about and did not associate hair loss with them. Namely:

  1. High tail.

It looks great. Design is very fond of this hairstyle, it visually lengthens the neck and makes a longer face oval. But with the constant use of such a hairstyle and tightening the beam, the growth of the onions is disturbed and this can cause additional loss, especially on the upper part of the head, on which all the effort from the ponytail takes place. As a result, after 30, you can see that the hair is thinning. Let’s hair rest.

  1. African plaits

This is one of the most dangerous hairstyles especially for the owner of fine hair. For representatives of Africa who have hard and thick hair, braids are an alternative to hair care, for Europeans pigtails and dreadlocks are not a suitable choice.

  1. Sweet

Scientific research in the USA, conducted in 2000, proved that people who suffer from high blood pressure and obesity caused by insulin, are much more often bald. In eastern medicine it is believed that a large amount of sugar affects the capillaries and weakens the hair follicles.

  1. Diet

Diets have a positive effect on weight loss, but can adversely affect the amount of hair. Lack of certain vitamins is the reason. This is necessary to lose weight under the supervision of a nutritionist. Hair on 80% consist of keratin, for the synthesis of which an animal protein is needed, the intake, in the food of which can be limited during the diets.

  1. Stress

After a strong emotional breakdown or against a background of depressions, hair can fall out in large bundles and form local areas of alopecia. All this can be the result of a quarrel with her husband or a conflict in the office. For rest, practice meditation.

  1. SLS, SLES

By themselves, the tracks can not directly affect and stimulate hair loss. Due to the fact that they are contained in shampoos, they perfectly wash away hair and roots, degreasing them so much that it leads to dehydration and leads to brittleness and hair loss. Prefer without shampooing, for example, TM Doctor Herbal novelties, which recently entered the market.

  1. Towel

Do not tighten the wet hair with a towel. After washing, it is recommended to dry your hair lightly and not to put on a towel. Wet hair – the most vulnerable and additional manipulations with them are very risky, they need to be minimized. If you are in a hurry – several times gently pat your hair to collect excess moisture, avoiding friction.

  1. Tobacco and alcohol

I hope that there is no need for clarification on this point. Harmful habits do not benefit the body, including hair