Things you need to get rid of in order to stay healthy.

There are things that need to be left. Your health depends on this step. Let’s figure out what things you need to get rid of.

Aromatic Spray for Air

These products, for the first time innocuous, but contain chemicals that in large doses can be dangerous to humans. If there are questions with unpleasant smells, look for the cause, eliminate it and ventilate the room more often.

Carbonated drinks

Soda and all sorts of colas are delicious. But always remember, scientists have already confirmed that artificial sweeteners in any fizzy drink are harmful! When you want to drink – drink water. If you want something sweet – drink natural juice.

Old sneakers

If you play sports, you know that athletic shoes are very important. However, the life of a sneaker should not exceed six months, otherwise you may have a fungus.

Old toothbrush

All dentists in the world recommend that their patients change their brush every month.

Superfluous things

Everyone has things that are not used at all or used, but extremely rare. You can also include souvenirs and gifts that are dusting, taking up places, some even boring or not like, but throwing your hand does not rise. Dispose of things that you have not used for a whole year – give, sell, transfer, but get rid of unnecessary things.

Old food and food in the fridge

If you open your refrigerator, you will most likely find there those foods and food that you need to throw away for a long time. Also walk on the shelves, check the shelf life of cereals, canned food, etc. Dispose of old bags of spices that you have kept open for more than 3 months, and replace them with new ones.

Overdue cosmetics

Did you know that, for example, harmful microorganisms can form on your pencil, and if you do not know this, turn your eyes every day. We recommend changing the eye pencil every three months, even if it is not over. Regularly check your makeup and update it. By the way, sunscreen lotions and sprays have a short shelf life. Bought last year, the remedy will not be effective this year. Never use expired and you will not have skin problems.

Storage box for contact and color lenses

They need to be changed every three months, but many people continue this period to a year. This can cause eye inflammation.

Dirty and clogged filters

Many people ignore the change of filters in household appliances. In fact, there is going to dust and dirt, which can seriously jeopardize your health.

Old bras

Bras do not wear out for a long time, one is not a reason to wear them for a long time. They have the property of stretching and eventually poorly support the chest, which is fraught with not only bad appearance, but also health problems. Regularly update the wardrobe with new linens. This is not just a matter of fashion.

Washcloths and kitchen sponges

Sponge, which you wash the dishes, is one of the most superfluous items in your home. Even dirtier than the toilet. She collects microbes inside herself. This applies to the bast.

Cutting boards

A lot of microbes are kept in the kitchen board (even if you do not see them – this does not mean that they are not there). There the bacteria begin to multiply. Regularly change the kitchen boards.