Tea.What is the use?

The first drink, after water is tea. His daily intake of 3-4 cups, but in the company of girlfriends you can drink much more. It warms well, soothes, quenches thirst, adjusts to a positive attitude. Now tea ceremonies have habitually merged into our lives, and we can not imagine a day without a cup of tea. Tea contains many positive ingredients for our health. Let’s see, what’s the use?

The home country of tea is China. Even in ancient times, it was mentioned the benefits of tea: he does not get drunk as a wine and tolerates illnesses like water. According to an ancient Chinese belief, a tea bush appeared in the period when the Earth and the Sky were created. Even today, the beneficial properties of tea have not lost their relevance.

Calcium, fluorine, iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium are the components that are contained in the tea leaf. In addition, the concentration of vitamin P tea exceeds citrus in 4 times. With viral diseases helps to fight the presence in the tea of ​​B vitamins, also promote the strengthening of hair and nails, improve the skin and reduce cholesterol. Vitamin E has a positive effect on the reproductive system.  The question of the usefulness of tea causes discussion. This is due to the fact that tea contains tonin, a component similar in effect to caffeine. The difference is that coffee gives a lightning-fast reaction, and tea invigorates, but for a long time and the effect comes gradually. Tea causes a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular system, digestion and kidneys.

Tea is quite useful without the addition of sugar and additional additives. It improves the absorption of vitamin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses of toxins and saturates with antioxidants. Tea also slows the formation of fat cells on the inner surface of the vessels, thereby reducing the risk of thrombosis.

Everyone chooses to drink tea or coffee. But the answer to the question “what tea is the most useful?” Is not contested. In the tea tradition, there are six varieties of tea: black, green, white, turquoise, yellow and red. Each species is unique in its properties.

The Chinese themselves recognize green tea as the most useful. Green and black tea is collected from one bush, the difference is that the green does not undergo fermentation immediately after harvesting, thus all natural properties are preserved as well as color. When receiving black tea, half of the catechins are lost, and as a consequence, the medicinal properties of the tea leaf are reduced.

The main property of green tea is a powerful antioxidant effect, which brought the green tea the fame of the No. 1 drink. In green tea, there is a substance called epigallocatechin gallate, which is 100 times more active than vitamin C, and protects cells from external radicals.

Drink green tea with joy, it is useful for both women and men. Few people know that green tea well removes the post alcohol syndrome. Also this tonic drink gives vivacity and strength, improves the complexion and increases the elasticity of the skin.