Secrets of home cleaning

Not everyone likes to clean in the house, but without it you can not do, because cleanliness is a good mood and health of all residents.

There are some simple tips that can help simplify the whole process.

  • If you have parquet floors at home, it is very easy to wash it with a damp cloth dampened in cold water with glycerin (the parquet does not like hot water). On the bucket of water one spoonful of glycerin.
  • For linoleum, water with household soap is better, or you can buy liquid household TM “Чистий Дім” and add 1 cap to the bucket of water. This tool will help to cope with dirt on the floor and will not leave a divorce, which in turn will save your time on additional rubbing the floor.

  • In order to brighten your carpet, wipe it with a sponge soaked in ethyl alcohol.
  • For cleaning upholstered furniture, wipe it with a cloth from a clean wool soaked in a detergent for washing woolen or delicate fabrics, you can use a liquid product TM “Soft” for delicate fabrics. You will need only 1 teaspoon of the drug per 1 liter of water

  • If your doors are trimmed with dermatitis, in order to clean it, wipe it with warm water without any additives.
  • To clean not very dirty glass, prepare the solution with water and starch (1 liter 1 tablespoon)
  • If flies have worked on your glasses, you will need a cleanser for glasses and mirrors of TM “Чистий Дім” with vinegar to clean it, it will not only cleanse well, but also give the room a pleasant aroma of the snowdrop.

  • If the window frame does not open well after winter, then soap it with a soap and solve the problem.
  • Do not use panicles to wipe the dust (all dust will again settle after a while), use a damp cloth.

After cleaning, make yourself a cup of tea and relaxing, enjoy cleanliness!