Dolce Vero Засіб косметичний для приготування ванн бомба з піною «Midnight bloom» Спосіб використання: Бомбу розчинити у ванні з теплою водою (36-40ºС) і приймати ванну 15-20 хвилин. Запобіжні заходи: Використовувати за призначенням. Можлива індивідуальна чутливість...
DOLCE VERO bath bomb “With the fragrance of Tiramisu” Mode of application: The bomb was dissolved in a bath of warm water (36-40ºS) and take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Precautionary measures: Apply as directed. Keep out of the reach of children....
DOLCE VERO bath bomb “With the fragrance of Pistachio Cheese-cake” Mode of application: The bomb was dissolved in a bath of warm water (36-40ºS) and take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Precautionary measures: Apply as directed. Keep out of the reach of...
DOLCE VERO bath bomb “With the fragrance of Raspberry Panna Cotta” 75 g Mode of application: The bomb was dissolved in a bath of warm water (36-40ºS) and take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Precautionary measures: Apply as directed. Keep out of the reach of...
DOLCE VERO bath bomb “With the fragrance of Coconut Turkish Delight” 75 g Mode of application: The bomb was dissolved in a bath of warm water (36-40ºS) and take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Precautionary measures: Apply as directed. Keep out of the reach of...