How to deal with depression

Winter … Winter is not what we all imagine – snow, frost and sun, but quite the opposite. Outside the window there is slush, dirty, gray, dull streets. Sunshine for several days did not come out and somehow the soul is dull and not fun. How not to fall into depression?

What is depression?

Depression is the first sign of deterioration of the body, and if not in this state for a long time, you can, as a consequence, get a whole bouquet of diseases.

In medical terminology, depression is a mental disorder characterized by: a depressed state of mind, anxiety, sadness, a feeling of worthlessness and emptiness, a retardation of thinking, an inability to concentrate, a reluctance to act actively and even move.

In many countries, depression is officially considered a disease, and it is subject to compulsory treatment, since it greatly reduces the quality of human life. At us, about such status it is not accepted to speak, the depressive status of the person is equated to laziness and condemned. How not to twist, such a state can start for everyone with us and the reasons for this are plenty: constant stresses at work and in public transport, accelerating pace of life, bad luck and bad weather, finally.

What can you do if you are depressed?

There are a few simple rules that you can apply to regain your craving for life. Use several at once, then the effect will be better.

  1. Turn on the color. Scientists have long proven that colors affect us. Use bright, colorful colors in clothes and interior, they will help to cheer up. It’s not in vain in cold Norway, where almost all the year round it’s gray and wet, the houses in the cities are decorated in bright, saturated colors. At a minimum, you can use bright details and accessories, and as a maximum – recolor the walls of the house.
  2. The power of aromas. The scents around us also have a big impact on us. And this fact can be used to raise the mood. Such means as aromatic lamps with essential oils or a bath with sea salt and essential oil.

Choose citrus flavors (lemon, orange, lemongrass) for getting rid of apathy and raising your mood.

– Oil neroli, lavender or ylang-ylang help to relax and relieve tension. To enhance the effect, take a warm bath with sea salt Lavender TM “Желана”. Sea salt contains many useful micronutrients to improve the skin condition, and pairs of essential oil of lavender contribute to calm and general relaxation.

– Sandalwood and chamomile will relieve anxiety and restore soul harmony.

  1. Try a new one. Constant routine matters only aggravate the situation. Try to do something familiar in a different way, for example, go to work by another route. If you do not like the job – change it. You can not change life so globally, but start reading a new book, or go to rest in a new place, where everything will be different for you.
  2. Movement is life. Try not to sit still, but move. If you have a sedentary job, then sign up for fitness. Doing sports is a good method to improve the body and soul. Physical stress very well relieves psychological stress. Also, do not avoid work at the dacha or help the grandmother in strength with the garden.
  3. Enjoy nature. On more often rest on the nature in quiet and quiet places. If you will treat depression with unrestrained fun – go for a walk in clubs and drink alcohol, then the situation can only worsen. Learn to enjoy nature, beautiful sunsets, morning dew and singing birds. The life around us is beautiful, and we are also beautiful, because we are a part of it.

6. Control your emotions. Try everything that happens around you and with you, especially if it is something not good, perceive, as if watching from the side, calmly and steadily. Imagine that this has not happened to you, so you will be more adequate and easier to perceive the situation. Try to see the positive aspects in every bad situation. For example, you are in a supermarket, making a purchase, standing in the big queue. It seems, what’s there to rejoice about? But you can, in fact, spend time on the queue to use to think about life, sum up the past day or plan for tomorrow. As they say in the Japanese wisdom: assess the situation, and if you can solve the problem – do not be nervous, but calmly act, if not – do not be nervous, the situation is still not correct – take it!

It depends on you whether you will suffer or defeat your sworn enemy – depression. Will you resist or just passively accept the fate. No one can help you, until you yourself do not want it.

We wish you life only happy!{:}