Do silver ions kill microbes, or is it a myth?

About the action of silver legend goes back to antiquity. People kept the wine in silver vessels to extend their lines of validity. In military campaigns, water was stored in silver vessels, silver plates were applied to the wound for the fastest healing of tissues. We ate silver devices to avoid disease. And it’s not accidental, in the 80s of the 19th century the Swiss scientist Karl Negel established that the interaction of not the metal itself, but its ions with the cells of microorganisms, causes their death. From that moment began the era of studying the properties of silver. He also proved that this silver acts only in a dissolved form (ionized).

Today we can not dispute the fact that silver ions have bactericidal, antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic properties. This is a highly effective remedy for pathogenic (bad) microorganisms that cause infections.

Another interesting fact: if in the treatment of infection, due to the formation of antibiotic-resistant forms of bacteria to have to change the drug every 5 days, then to the silver water, no bacteria or virus form stable forms. Silver water also has a harmful effect on antibiotic-resistant forms.

The mechanism of action of silver on a microbial cell on three levels:

  • First, silver ions are sorbed by the cell membrane, which performs a protective function. The cell remains viable, but some of its functions are violated, for example, division (bacteriostatic effect).
  • Second. As soon as silver is adsorbed on the surface of the microbial cell, it penetrates into the cell and inhibits the enzymes of the respiratory chain.
  • The third is the dissociation of oxidation and oxidative phosphorylation in microbial cells, as a result of which the cell dies.

Today, silver ions are widely used in medicine and not only, for example, in household chemicals, in dish washing products of TM Чистий Дім, silver ions are used as an antibacterial agent. You ask: what does antibacterial effect have to do with dishwashing? The most that is direct, after all we wash the dishes with the help of a tool and a washcloth, and on a bast we breed pathogenic microorganisms. Why? It is very simple – the bast is constantly wet, and the bacteria multiply rapidly in a moist environment, which we then transfer to dishes. In order to protect buyers, specialists of TM Чистий Дім added silver ions to dishwashing detergents. In addition, it must be remembered that the lines of the wader service – 3 days, so keep the cleanliness of not only the dishes, but also the wipers.

In the range of detergents for washing dishes, TM Чистий Дім specialists have 4 types: “Soda and lemon”, “Aloe with silver ions”, “Mandarin and golden mustache”, “Mustard and sea buckthorn”. A feature of the means is not only the presence in the formulation of active silver ions, but also additional natural components that improve the quality of detergent abilities. For example, soda and mustard, which since ancient times washed dishes and coped with abundant fat. Now mankind returns to the use of natural, safe ingredients in the care of utensils and TM Чистий Дім gives such an opportunity. Be healthy!