Most people call their life “routine”, complain about the lack of positive emotions and money, dream of admission, suggesting that these 20 days will be happy. But there comes a long-awaited vacation, it turns out that everything again is not as desired, the reserved hotel was slightly embellished, and the sun got a sunburn instead of a sunburn, and again happiness disappeared!

What kind of bird is the word “Happiness”? Where does it go? And how to catch it?

In the opinion of the American psychology professor Mihai Cikszentmihayi, one can feel happiness only in the state of “flow” (flow theory), which implies the absolute completeness of life. The feeling of “flow” was in everyone in life, you just need to remember the work you were doing, with such excitement that there was no sense of time, and with such enthusiasm that everything that happened around you did not worry at all. You were completely addicted to this occupation. This is the state of “Flow” and a sense of happiness, the fullness of life. You only need to learn how to enter and exit from this state.



The flow is a very strong experience, it tightens. We must learn to leave it at the first demand of reality!

  1. Happiness is how you feel about what is happening, not what happens to you. You have to learn to be happy. Our happiness is our thoughts, and we are responsible for them and can manage them.
  2. Two types of happy people. Having figured out why some people feel happy and others do not, you can globally divide people into two categories. The first are people who are busy with creativity (artists, writers, musicians). When they do their favorite thing, they enter into a state of euphoria, like a narcotic buzz. The second category is people who have lost everything, health and loved ones, but they are searching for meaning and enjoy life for every minute of their life. The circumstances did not break them. They manage to find new incentives for self-development and seem much happier than those to whom fate is loyal. The first and second categories of people have a common – they are able to control consciousness and manage their psychic energy.
  3. Phenomenon – 3: money and health are not needed to guarantee happiness. In this at first it is difficult to believe, because everyone is used to tie happiness to material goods, but this is far from the case. Yes, material wealth improves life, but if you do not know how to manage energy, there will always be something missing. The response to stress can be divided into 2 approaches: neurotic protection, this is when a person blames everyone in the district and the whole world for the misfortune that has happened, and “mature protection”, when a person is able to overcome chaos and restore order first in his head. When there are unforeseen unpleasant situations, it is necessary to disable anger and emotion. The current situation needs to be analyzed in order to understand how it can be solved.
  4. Have fun every day. In order for this to work out, practice. There is such an easy way: prepare a list of cases that you get well, it is important that there are no very difficult tasks, otherwise start to get nervous, and they should not be very easy, otherwise it will be boring. An important point is that you like to study these activities, and you forget about the time in the class. Try to pay attention to these activities every day and gradually complicate it. So learn to enter the state of “Flow”.

5. Teach children to enjoy life.  Less think about the future, instead listen to the child, to the ego emotions now and what he feels at the moment. Do not put pressure on children, they understand that they are ready to solve their own problems, entertain themselves, try not to punish children, give them freedom, do not force them to eat, and do their homework. Often praise children, let them do what they like, sincerely marvel at their achievements. It is important that there is a live communication and trust in the family, under such conditions the child will not have an alarm and he will be able to channel his energy into self-development and not into self-defense. Simply love them without conditions, because people who were afraid that they will not love always worry about self-affirmation and do not feel happiness and joy in life.

6. Do not be afraid to work, at work it is easier to enter a state of flow, that is, happiness. Even more often in your life flow, those are less anxious and less energy is wasted. There are several rules for entering this state. First, you need to be sure that what you do is good, then you do not waste time on doubts. The second is to focus on your lesson so that there is no place in the subconscious for insignificant information at the moment. Third – the perception of time beckon, you are like in a tunnel where only the real ones are important. The fourth is clearly formulated goals and the opportunity to receive feedback. The fifth is to forget about anxieties, they simply do not exist.

Sixth – you feel control over the situation, and as a consequence – control of life.


7. In the flow can enter almost from any job, from ironing shirts to conquering Everest. The dancer describes it this way: “Concentration becomes all-embracing. Thoughts stop wandering, you do not think about anything else, you are completely absorbed in your movement … Energy seems to flow through you, you feel relaxed, confident and full of energy. “:I have an unusual sense of inner well-being. I completely control my world, control the course of things and events. ” My friend the mountaineer describes the Stream as follows: “It’s terribly inspiring – to reach new heights in self-discipline. You make the body work, everything hurts, and then you look back and you get excited about yourself and what you did. This causes ecstasy. If you’ve won enough battles with yourself, it’s easier to win in the world. “
8. They are not afraid to work hard. It is work that brings us into a state of flux, and, accordingly, happiness. The main thing is that your work should not be monotonous, but diverse and have interesting goals, there was always an opportunity to get feedback

9. Analyze, what do you have an unoccupied watch for? According to the calculations of scientists, a man spends European civilization spends about 30 hours a week, about 10 hours he is at work but is idling. 20 hours go on vacation, of which 7 on the TV and 7 for entertainment, 3 hours for reading, and 2 hours for sports, plus 7 more for general classes. And that remains 50-60 hours of wakefulness. Our ancestors had much less free time, but not the fact that we enjoy life more.

Sincerely surprised is the display of the form of pleasure.

10. People who are engaged in favorite things, who demand investments, not money, but energy, full attention, feel themselves happier. By the way things can be attributed: communication, reading, interesting work.

11 Your hobby is not slavery. There is no need to pursue membership in expensive, fashionable clubs. Perhaps a normal walk will bring you more joy than a session in a fitness club. Set yourself small goals, for example, each time increasing the distance of a walk. Enjoy your achievements.

12. Reason free from fear. People who are fixated on themselves are more difficult to be happy, as energy is spent on how they look, what people will say and what they think, all these thoughts absorb the energy of life.

13.Observe the person involved in the game: he is completely involved in the process, does not think about the result, his Ego is not included. All his energy is directed to “here and now”, he is very well. Treat work as a game, then the flow of energy will not be dissected.

14. Find meaning in everything that you do. Spending energy on things that you consider necessary and important, and do not think about doubt, because you doubt how a vampire drinks vital energy.

15. Always be surprised, stronger and stronger. After all, surprise is a reflection of the purest form of surprise (according to Francis Bacon).

16. Learn by heart – poems, lyrics.This will control the mind.

17. Do not fill out all your free time, sometimes you should be alone. It is important to feel the pleasure of peace and stay in your world.

18. The flow energy is a very strong energy. There is no need to go to the flow with your head from real life. Learn not only to enter the stream and go out them.

19. The right way of life is to act spontaneously. Even 2300 years ago this philosophy adhered to Taoism. Do not think about external benefits, merge with the world. At the same time, you need to trust yourself and the world, act with confidence, and the best decisions will come by themselves.