2 products for vital energy!

Fat and sweet, gives our hips extra pounds, but do not give the necessary vitality. Let’s analyze the sources of “smart” calories for each day.

To be in shape, you need not only training in the gym, but also the right products that will give energy. Very high-calorie food not only deprives us of strength: after a very dense dinner, the body is focused only on one, to digest fatty chicken or braised potatoes, and a piece of cake. Balanced nutrition will help to give energy and vitality at any time of the day. Let’s choose the “right products”.

Brown rice

Rich in magnesium, which helps our body produce energy, as well as proteins and “slow” carbohydrates. This product can be an excellent side dish for poultry or fish, it also goes well with vegetables. It is an indispensable ingredient for a healthy diet.


This is a famous source of protein. For those who engage in sports – it’s not just eggs, but “gold.” Due to the unique structure of the egg protein, the body absorbs it by 97%, and the amino acids contained in the eggs participate in muscle building. The best form of cooking eggs is boiled.


This walnut accumulates natural energy: in almonds there is a lot of protein, copper, magnesium, vitamin B2, which is involved in many body processes. Almond is able to neutralize the effect of free radicals and toxins, it helps to maintain mental activity. A few nuts for breakfast and a little more take on the robot.


An ideal source of iron, which is actively involved in the metabolic processes of the body. In order to better absorb the freshly prepared salad with spinach, sprinkle with lemon juice.


Vegetable protein, which is especially valuable for vegetarians. Also complex carbohydrates, which will maintain a comfortable energy level throughout the day. Lentils or beans in combination with fresh salad is an excellent complex dish even for meat eaters.


Betakarotin or vitamin A, which is rich in this fruit, is extremely useful for the body. Because this vitamin is a powerful weapon against free radicals, which every day deprive important minerals of the body’s cells. To fight fatigue and stress, add carrots to salads. Use it fresh, use it more.


Bananas contain fiber, which allows optimal use of carbohydrate energy, as well as a lot of glucose and fructose. Add them to breakfast, then you can safely live without feeling hungry for dinner. Also use bananas for snacks.

Sea fish

An irreplaceable source of omega-3 fatty acids, these are marine fish varieties, such as: abrasions, salmon, mackerel, herring. Omega-3 non-living acid is a very important component that is responsible for the robot of blood vessels, nourishes the brain, improves concentration and attention, raises the mood. The protein contained in the fish is perfectly digested, it goes to building muscles. Be sure to include fish dishes 2-3 times a week.


One spoonful of honey will enchant you more than an energetic with a dubious composition. This is an excellent ally of good mood, and an excellent ally in the fight against stress. Honey contains a whole storehouse of antioxidants (vitamins B and C), as well as minerals and trace elements (magnesium, potassium, copper). Add it to the morning porridge or yogurt.


Natural yogurt without sugar and without all kinds of additives – this is what you need. Proteins that it contains are simply necessary for our muscles, and magnesium and calcium will help to recover after work or training. Vitamins B12 and B2, which are rich in sour-milk products, provide brain activity.


As the French say -1 an apple a day prolongs life! And they say for good reason, apples are rich in pectin soluble dietary fiber, which help the body gradually absorb energy and remove harmful toxins from it. To cope with hunger and recover strength from the day, take an apple with a slice of cheese to the office.


The source of vitamin C, potassium, and phylic acid, which is responsible for immunity, plus fructose and fresh taste. In order to get the most valuable fiber, it is better to eat the whole fruit, I do not squeeze it fresh.{